Renier Méndez is the third generation of a family of Cuban plastic artists. From a young age he played with a clay ball that his father put in his hands so he could work. Thus he recreated the forms that his first teacher left him as an exercise, sometimes he played and sometimes ended up full of mud.
It began with painting, ceramic design; began to interest him in the provenance of certain smells of the materials he worked with.
The artistic sculpture in woods aroused his interest in fragrances; the bitterness of guayacan, the sweetness of cedar or the precious aroma of the sabina gave him the ultimate inspiration to feel trapped by the magic of perfumes and the desire to experiment. Once settled in Europe was when Renier was able to get up close and about great classics of modern perfumery. In those years he met the master perfumer Daniel Josier. He decided to create his perfume brand and create each perfume inspired by one of his paintings. Even build both simultaneously. Renier’s first fragrances are the result of his brushstrokes and cooperation with Daniel Josier himself.
“There are people who see colors when they smell the fresh rain or a flower. There are people who feel the sun and the scent of flowers, when they see a work of art. A painting. I together with the two pleasures”.